Spider veins refer to the visible veins that appear on the skin’s surface with a blue or purple tint. Spider and varicose veins are caused by twisted veins, blood pools, or blood clots in the veins which cause poor blood circulation in an area. While they look scary, they are pretty common in most adults and don’t often cause many health issues, though in severe cases it is possible
So when should you be alarmed by the sight of spider veins or varicose veins? The only time you should be concerned about your spider veins is when they are causing you any type of physical pain or discomfort. If you notice that the area around your spider veins is swollen, itchy, aching or even developing an open wound, you should contact your doctor immediately and get it checked out.
Learn More: Home Solutions for Facial Spider Veins
When Should The Appearance of Spider Veins Alarm You?
Spider and varicose veins are rarely a threat to your health but there are instances wherein they can cause more severe vein issues down the line. If they’re not causing any pain or discomfort, then you may not need to get them checked by a healthcare professional. However, if they do begin to cause pain or other skin issues it’s advisable for you to seek medical advice. Here are some of the spider vein symptoms you should worry about:
1) Persistent Leg Pain
While spider and varicose veins are formed due to twisted veins and blood clots, they are often found in small superficial veins and cause little to no issues. However, if you’re experiencing persistent leg pain due to what seems like your spider veins, it’s possible that the deeper veins in that area have been severely damaged and may have a bigger and more serious blood clot. This condition is called thrombophlebitis, wherein inflammation and injury cause multiple veins to develop clots affecting your leg muscles and causing constant pain.
2) Swelling Around Nearby Areas
If the area surrounding your spider and varicose veins begin to swell, you may need to visit a vein specialist to assess the situation. While spider and varicose veins can sometimes form a bump on your skin, rarely will it cause an entire area such as your ankles, legs, or feet to swell.
If you’re experiencing swelling, there is a chance that you have phlebolymphedema which can affect the veins and bones around the area. Phlebolymphedema is a health condition that is associated with chronic insufficiencies in both the vein and lymphatic system that if left untreated could become a life-threatening condition.
3) Emission of Heat Around Spider Veins
In some cases, people have reported that their spider and varicose veins feel painful and hot to their touch. This means that the spider and varicose vein has been damaged even further and is leaking fluids outside your blood vessel and on the surrounding tissues.
When this happens, it’s possible that you have phlebitis which can cause a small infection if left untreated. In general, phlebitis is another venous medical condition that is relatively harmless but should nonetheless be looked at by a doctor to reduce possible risk factors.
4) Bleeding Around the Area
When you notice that your spider or varicose veins are bleeding, this means that the vein has ruptured. This is one of the common symptoms of spider and varicose veins due to their weak structure.
While it’s common, it’s advisable to still have them looked at by a professional if you’re experiencing an excessive amount of bleeding. It’s possible that other non-visible veins have been compromised in the area.
5) Itchy Skin and Skin Irritation
Spider and varicose veins should not cause any skin irritation or itchiness on a normal basis. If you are experiencing this, it’s possible that you have a medical condition called venous stasis dermatitis. With this condition, you’ll often have excess blood pooling in your veins which will then spill out and leak onto nearby areas.
This will cause inflammation and itchiness as your abnormal veins function cannot transport oxygen to your skin. To compare, healthy veins can circulate blood properly to different parts of your body including your skin preventing it from irritation and itchiness.
6) Open Wounds and Venous Ulcers
It is quite rare that open wounds will develop due to spider veins so if it does you should seek treatment right away. With spider and varicose veins being unable to circulate blood back to your heart, there’s a build-up of blood in those veins that increases in pressure over long periods of time.
If the pressure becomes too intense, open wounds and skin ulcers may form on your skin. These are called venous ulcers or venous stasis ulcers which if left untreated can cause an infection.
Read More: Are Itchy Spider Veins Normal?
Side Effects of Leaving Spider Veins Untreated
While you may be able to tolerate the pain and address the wounds caused by vein complications and health conditions, leaving them untreated could lead to the development of serious diseases. Doctors warn that spider veins that cause pain, cramps, clots, and wounds are indicators of underlying conditions or warnings about your health.
Some of these conditions include peripheral artery disease, lymphedema, and pulmonary embolism. To catch these illnesses before they cause too much damage to your body, you should contact your doctor and ask for a full physical check-up and get diagnosed to better treat your condition.
Consult With the Experts Today at Vein Clinic Doctor

Oftentimes, spider veins are seen as a cosmetic issue as opposed to a medical one. More often than not, people can go without spider and varicose vein treatments as they themselves don’t pose as a health concern. However, spider and varicose veins can sometimes be the first indicators of an underlying condition. If your spider and varicose veins are causing pain, skin irritations, or inhibiting you in any way, this could be a sign that you have a more serious venous concern than just superficial blue veins appearing.
Here at the Vine Clinic Doctor, we run extensive tests to ensure that we are treating our patients with the correct treatments to address their concerns. While laser therapy and vein injections may work for cosmetic procedures, other venous conditions will require a different approach to address the disease itself. Whether you have a cosmetic issue or larger concerns about your spider veins, our experts can find the treatment tailored to your needs. Call us today to know more about services or book an appointment online.
Learn More: Can Supplements Help With Spider Veins?